Next Vancouver SDA meeting: NICOLE DEXTRAS presentation
There is going to be a special meeting at the home of Catherine Nicholls in North Vancouver, on Tuesday, March 5th, starting at 7pm . Members will be emailed directions to her house. If you are not a member but would like to attend, please contact Jennifer Love.
Nicole Dextras, the creator of those wonderful botanical dresses that were featured on the cover (and the article inside) of the Spring 2012 issue of Surface Design, has agreed to give a presentation to our group. So mark this on your calendar - it's going to be fascinating. Please let Jennifer, or Catherine Nicholls know if you plan to attend, so we can be sure to have enough chairs or big cushions.

Click here for Nicole's website. If you haven't already done so, it's worth having a good look round this website - she's done a lot of other, quite different work too.
Her blog.
And who could forget the Little Green Dress Projekt?

Nicole's ice typography work was recently featured in BG magazine.
Click here for the link to the full layout of the BG article.
The image below isn't part of that work but this piece, part of a series called IceShifts, is particularly fabulous: