The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place on Wed, Sept at the home of Anne Marie Andrishak in West Vancouver. It was very informal with lots of show-and-tell and discussions about the Exquisite Corpse project. The next one will be on November 16th – venue and focus TBA. Contact Jennifer for info about meetings.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. Their fall meeting was held on September 8th at Alison Kobylnyk’s house in Victoria. Their first exhibition, Current Threads, was on at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place on Wed, Sept 8th, at the home of Pat Crucil in Sechelt. Jennifer Love gave a presentation about the Reinvention Conference (SDA/SAQA) held in San Francisco in March 2010. The next meeting will be at the home of Jean Curry in Pender Harbour on Wed, Nov 10th, at 11am and will include a potluck lunch. Contact Jennifer for info.
Members of the BC SDA have invited other artists to participate in the exhibition The Game: Another Take on the Exquisite Corpse, which will take place September 23 – November 7, 2010 at Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery, Port Coquitlam. (see MAP -- Take bus 160 from Central Waterfront Station)
Opening reception: September 25th 2 - 4pm
This is the catalogue for the exhibition. Click on the images to make them larger.
The exhibition will later tour to the following venues:
May 7 – June 12, 2011: FibreWorks Studio/Gallery, Pender Harbour
Sept 13-18, 2011: Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove, North Vancouver
At all three venues, we plan to include a ‘Community Participation Project’ where members of the public will be given the opportunity to ‘Play the Game’ and create their own exquisite corpses.
The Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery will also be showing Slice, an exhibition of new work by one of our members, Wendy Browne, concurrently with The Game.
KUDOS to some of our Members:
Jane Kenyon is now being represented by the Elliott Louis Gallery in Vancouver. They've made a short video in her studio, with a link to the website.
Jane will have an exhibition at the Elliott Louis Gallery in October 2011.
Jessica de Haas was awarded the 2010 Niche award in the wearable fibre category for her piece "Biodiversity".
The Victoria College of Art has established a textile arts program which will be launched by 2 courses to be taught by Lesley Turner:
'Mark Making with Thread,' November 8 to December 17, 2010
'Mark Making with Machine,' January 4 to March 22, 2011
Victoria College of Art website:
Lesley’s blog:
Yvonne Wakabayashi is involved in three upcoming exhibitions:

• July/August 2011:” Love Lace International Lace Exhibition”; Powerhouse Museum Science & Design, Sydney, Australia; Over 700 entries from 33 countries ...all media included.
• September 11, 2010 - October 31, 2010: “Fibreworks 2010”; Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge, Ontario
Artists who took part in the 2009 Hanji paper fashion show, held on Granville Island in Vancouver, BC, have been invited to send their paper fashions to Korea, for the Stream of Hanji Fashion exhibition, to be held in Jeon-ju, Korea, in October 2010. Participating artists include Brigitte Rice, Anne Marie Andrishak, Ros Aylmer, Dorothy Cross, Jo Anne Ryeburn, Rene Evans, Cathie Barr, Monica Brammer, and Dawn Russell.
Sept 16 – Oct 8, 2010: University of the Fraser Valley Faculty show (incl. Rene Evans, Eleanor Hannan, Gayle Ramsden) at Abbotsford Campus, University of the Fraser Valley, B136 Visual Arts Gallery. 604-504-7441 ext 4669.
Sept 9th - Oct 17: "Wrapped: An Exhibition of Kimono Inspired Garments" by Jessica de Haas and Jenefer Pleadwell; at CraftHouse Gallery on Granville Island, Vancouver.
Oct 2, 2010, 11am – 4pm: Rand Street Studios (Weavers: Kaija Rautiainen, Hanna Haapasalo, Gail Fromson) Open Studio at 1542 Rand Street, Vancouver, 604-910 5860.
Sat, Oct 2, 10am-4pm: ‘Paper & Stitch’ – One Day Workshop with textile artist and quiltmaker Catherine Nicholls. Leigh Square Community Arts Village, Port Coquitlam. or call 604.927.8400.
Sun, Oct 17, 2:30-5pm: ‘The Mad Hatters’ Tea Party’: A Fundraiser for the Craft Council of BC, at Hycroft House, 1489 McRae Ave., Vancouver.
Sat, Nov 6, 10am-4pm: ‘Hand Painted and Printed Paper’– Prepare for the holiday season with textile artist Jennifer Love. Experiment with many different ways to create pattern, colour and texture on paper. Leigh Square Community Arts Village, Port Coquitlam. or call 604.927.8400.
The following events are happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail Yvonne. See the Website
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 – “Surface Design: Alaska” : Exhibition of work by members of the Surface Design Association (SDA) in Alaska, at FibreWorks.
Sep. 21 – Nov. 23: Workshop with Penny Allport: “Weaving the Threads of Life;” 6:45 - 9:15 p.m. (alternating between FibreWorks in Pender Harbour and Paradise Found in Wilson Creek): Opening Ceremony – Sun. Sept 19 – 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at FibreWorks: Closing Ceremony – Sun. Nov. 28 – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Paradise Found
Oct. 16 – 17: Workshop with Julie Pongrac at FibreWorks: “Complex Fibre Made Simple Using Mushrooms.” Using mushrooms found locally, students will learn how to take one natural dye and explore what can be created from it by altering the dye bath, dying different fibres, blending fibres and colours and plying these in different ways.
Call for Entry – “Celebrate the Season” – Nov 07 to Jan 09 – Fibre Artists are invited to submit art for the retail section of FibreWorks Gallery , especially suitable for gift-giving. Items should be available beginning October 22nd and continuing through November. FibreWorks Gallery retains a 30% commission of sold items, and your retail prices should reflect same. All items must be numbered and priced, and an inventory listing delivered with the items. Please contact Yvonne Stowell by email or telephone 604,883-2380 after October 20th for further information and preparation of artist contracts for new artists.