The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place at the home of Catherine Nicholls in West Vancouver on Monday May 3rd at 7pm. This was our annual pot luck supper and the theme of the meeting was design/sketch/inspiration/journal books that you use in your design process. Quite a few new guests; lots of great show-and-tell. The next meeting will be June 28th, 2010; venue tba. Entries for the Exquisite Corpse show can be handed in and Jennifer Love will give a presentation about the Reinvention Conference (SDA/SAQA) held in San Fransisco in March. Contact Jennifer for info about meetings and/or Call for Entry for the Exquisite Corpse show.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. They are planning an exhibition, “Current Threads,” at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place at the home of Connie Chapman early in May 4th. The next meeting will be at FibreWorks Gallery in Pender Harbour on June 23, 2010 – we will view the new exhibition by thr3fold (Catherine Nicholls, Linda & Laura Kemshall), and enjoy a presentation by batik artist Els van Baarle (from the Netherlands), who will be offering a workshop there in the following days. Contact Jennifer for info.
Plans are moving along for this show. To view our call for entry click here
Exhibition dates will be as follows:
September 25 – November 7, 2010: Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery, Coquitlam
May 7 – June 12, 2011: FibreWorks Studio/Gallery, Pender Harbour
Sept 13-18, 2011: Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove, North Vancouver
At all three venues, we plan to include a ‘Community Participation Project” where members of the public will be given the opportunity to create their own Exquisite Corpses.
The Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery will also be showing an exhibition of new work by one of our members, Wendy Browne, concurrently with The Game.
KUDOS to some of our Members:

Catherine Nicholls’ beautiful studio has been featured in Cloth Paper Scissors- Studios magazine - the Summer 2010 issue. Catherine is part of thr3fold, with UK artists Linda and Laura Kemshall, and they will have several events in BC this summer – see following section.
Linda Wallace has had an article published about her buried/reclaimed/stitched tapestries - work she's been doing in a loose collaboration with Dorothy Clews, in Australia – in Fiberarts, Summer 2010, pp 46-49: "Earthy Aesthetics" by Mary Lane.
The "Exposure" section of both the Summer and Fall issues of the "Surface Design Journal" will feature selected work by the 14 Canadian SDA members who participated in Unity and Diversity, in Korea and again in Vancouver. Jane Kenyon's piece "Fracture" is featured on their blog, which has just recently gone live:
Upcoming Events:
May 8-June 13, 2010: “Textiles: Waxworks” by Els van Baarle from the Netherlands. Opening reception: Sat, May 08, 2-4pm. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail FibreWorks. See the Fibre Works website
May 15, 2010: “Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail . FibreWorks. See the Fibre Works website.
June 12-25, 2010: Victoria FibreFest. See their website
June 21 - Aug 01, 2010 – “Thr3fold” – second North American exhibit, at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Opening Reception – “Meet the Artists” – Linda & Laura Kemshell & Catherine Nicholls: Monday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. This will also be the release of Vol. #5 of Thr3fold Journals – bring all your Journals for artist autographs. See the Website
June 24th, 2010, 7:30pm onwards: thr3fold @ Maiwa, Granville Island, Vancouver. This evening event at Maiwa in the Net Loft will be an opportunity to chat with the thr3fold artists, Catherine Nicholls, Linda and Laura Kemshall, pick up a copy of their new thr3fold journal (#5) and view a selection of their quilts never before exhibited in Canada. To support the Maiwa foundation they will be auctioning a number of specially made small items.
June 18, 19 & 20, 2010: Workshop organized by Art You Wear (Ulrieke Benner) on Saltspring Island: “Contemporary Surface Design in Wax & Colour,” featuring Els van Baarle, Netherlands. For details and registration information: ph. 250-537-1723; fax 250-537-1724; Ulrieke's website:; Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 1N4
June 19-20 & 26-27, 2010, 10am – 4pm: Common Threads, the Twisted Fibre Studio Tour: Julie Pongrac, Michelle Sirois-Silver, and Judy Villett open their fibre art studios and invite visitors to see completed new works, works in progress, and engaging demonstrations by the artists, plus rare opportunities to purchase gallery-quality fine craft on this unique self-guided tour through the vibrant Commercial Drive and Strathcona neighbourhoods. Michelle's work can be seen at the Alberta Craft Council's exhibition " The Love of Craft", July 10 - September 25, 2010 in
August 2-28, 2010: Current Threads. Work by SDA members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Ladysmith Waterfront Art Gallery, 610 Oyster Bay Dr., 250-245-1252; Opening reception: August 7, 5-8pm.
August 19-21, 2010: Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival.
Fall, 2010: Maiwa has now posted the info on their annual fall workshop series – check their website:
The following events are also happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail Fibre Works. See the FibreWorks website
June 24-26, 2010: “Mixed Media: Wax on Paper & Fabric.” Workshop with Els van Baarle from the Netherlands.
July 14-16, 2010: “Imagination.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – how to create your own designs from chosen images or sources of info.
Aug 05-06, 2010: “Drawn to Pen & Ink.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – Easy steps to turn your own images into drawings on fabric.
Aug 07 – Sept 12, 2010 – “Synthesis” – Studio Art Quilters Association (SAQA). At FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Contemporary art quilts. Opening reception: Sat, Aug 07, 2-4pm SAQA website.
Aug 28, 2010: “Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters.
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 – “Surface Design: Alaska” Work by members of the Surface Design Association in Alaska. Opening reception: Sat Sept 18, 2-4pm.