The last meeting of the Vancouver Surface Design took place on February 8th, 2010, hosted at the home of Michelle Sirois-Silver in Vancouver. Aside from a discussion of our Exquisite Corpse project and exhibition (which is planned for fall of 2010), we enjoyed a low-key evening of show-and-tell and discussion of upcoming events. Next meeting will be at the home of Catherine Nicholls in West Vancouver on Monday May 3rd at 7pm. As this will be our pre-summer-break meeting, it was also be our annual pot luck supper. The theme of the meeting will be design/sketch/inspiration/journal books that you use in your design process. Contact Jennifer Love for info about meetings and/or Call for Entry for the Exquisite Corpse show.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. They are planning an exhibition, Current Threads, at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place Feb 3rd at Jennifer Love’s new studio, Foxglove Studio Two, in Pender Harbour. The next meeting will be held at the home of Connie Chapman on Wed, April 7th at noon. Her info: 5469 Julman Rd., West Sechelt, 604-885-7332. Contact Jennifer for information
Jan. 5 – Feb 14, 2010: “Double Vision – Morphos Inquiry”; work by Patricia Chauncey & Hilary Young. Opening reception Jan. 9, 4-6pm, Numen Gallery, 120-1058 Mainland St., Yaletown, Vancouver B.C. Gallery hours: Tue-Sat 11-6, Sun 1-5. Numen Gallery is located inside the Mainland Street Court, between Nelson and Helmcken, one block north of the Yaletown-Roundhouse Station on the new Canada Line. For more information, contact 604.630.6927 or email or go to
Jan. 14 - April 11, 2010: The Craft Council of British Columbia presents "Art of Craft: Canada. BC. Korea," an exhibition in three parts, including "By Hand: BC and Yukon," a juried exhibition of fine craft by BC and Yukon artisans. Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver; Work by the following BC and Yukon SDA members is included: Yvonne Wakabayashil, Lyn Fabio, Cher Cartwright, Hanna Haapasalo, Angelika Werth, Jane Kenyon, AnneMarie Andrishak, Kaija Rautiainen, Michelle Sirois-Silver, Yoriko Oki.
Jan 16 – Feb 28, 2010– “Pareidolia.” Work by Shannon Wardropper, BC fibre artist. Artist’s website: Shannon will give a workshop on Feb 12-14: Textile Collage. For info call 604-883-2380 or e-mail fibreworks. Website:

Jan 23 – April 4, 2010: “Quilt of Belonging,” a 120 foot long Fibre Art Tapestry that is going to be on exhibition at the Surrey Art Gallery during the Vancouver Olympics. 13750-88th Avenue, Surrey,BC.
Jan 23 - April 4, 2010: Ruth Scheuing: "Silkroads," examining the myth and metaphor of the Silkroad. Artist's talk: Sat, Feb 13, 2pm. Surrey Art Gallery. 13750- 88 Avenue, Surrey, BC, (the image shows Ruth working at her loom)
February 3 – 21, 2010: "Electromode” at Emily Carr University, CODE Live 2
1399 Johnston St., Granville Island, Vancouver; 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
High tech wearables, curated by Valérie Lamontagne (Canada) / Peau d’Âne. From research in science and art, wearable microcomputers and smart fabrics transform the body through dynamic, kinetic and shape-shifting garments that expand the body’s possibilities. Includes work by Barbara Layne, Sara Diamond, Suzi Webster with Jordan Benwick, Valerie Lamontagn, Joanna Berzowska, Thecla Schiphorst, and Ying Gao. See the Website
FELTMAKING COURSES with Ulrieke Benner - Art You Wear in Felt and Silk
Feb 11 - Open Feltmaking Lab
Feb 18, 19 & 20 - Fundamentals to Sheer Fabrics
March 12, 13 & 14 - Fashioning Mosaic Felt
March 24 - Open Feltmaking Lab
April 15,16 - Experiments with Elastic Structures in Felt
April 18 - Open Feltmaking Lab
For details and registration information: ph. 250-537-1723; fax 250-537-1724;; Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 1N4
February 12, 13 & 14, 2010: Textile Collage workshop with Shannon Wardroper at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. An introductory class. Fee $450.00 plus $22.50 (includes all materials). More info or to register: 604-883-2380 or e-mail fibreworks
Starting Feb 22, 2010 for six sessions over six weeks: Dyeing Fabrics through Resist Techniques - with Mariana Frochtengarten. Dunbar Community Center, Vancouver. Full description, days, hours, cost and on-line registration are available in the following link:
March 29 – April 9, 2010: “Fibre in the Forest” - VGFA 40th Anniversary Retreat.
THE VANCOUVER GUILD OF FIBRE ARTS will be celebrating their 40th anniversary in 2010 with a fibre retreat in the beautiful forests of Loon Lake Camp, B.C. The two week retreat will offer workshops in surface design, draping for sewing, lace knitting, collage, quilting, mark making on cloth, book making, doll making – to name a few – as well as areas for self directed work. Nancy Crow will be one of the instructors. Registration, class lists and calendar are posted on their web site – Questions: Anne Love 604 922 3033.
Sat May 1st & Sun May 2nd, 2010: Gordon Head Studio Tour, Victoria, BC; 11am to 4pm
Two SDA fibre artists participating are : Judi MacLeod & Alison Kobylnyk
Brochures with maps are available at Recreation Centers and local businesses. For maps or more info see web site , or call Judi at 472-2429. Alison at 721-3118, Ester at 658-4523
May 17 to 23, 2010: “Interlacement - a Fibre Symposium.” The Greater Vancouver Weavers & Spinners Guild is turning 75 in 2010. Interlacement will feature Workshops and Lectures with BC and International Fibre Artists at Capilano University, North Vancouver. Full details are on the Guild's website:
June 21 - Aug 01, 2010 – “Thr3fold” – second North American exhibit, at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Opening Reception – “Meet the Artists” – Linda & Laura Kemshell & Catherine Nicholls: Monday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. This will also be the release of Vol. #5 of Thr3fold Journals – bring all your Journals for artist autographs. Artists’ website:
More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail . Website:
Aug 04 – Oct 31, 2010 – “Synthesis” – Studio Art Quilters Association (SAQA). At FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Contemporary art quilts. Artists’ website:
More info: 604-883-2380 or email fibreworks. Website:
March/April, 2011 – Hilary Rice – “Landscapes of the Soul” BC fibre artist At FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. For more info: call 604-883-2380 or e-mail fibreworks to register. Website: