Website for this group:
You will notice a new 'gadget' in the right margin of our blog that allows you to subscribe to the blog. When you subscribe you will receive the blog in your mailbox as soon as I have created a new post. It is my hope that eventually Jennifer can use the blog instead of writing emails, and in that way the blog will always be up-to-date and Jennifer's work will be lessened. Please register today. You can always 'un-register' - Thanks, Julia
The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place on Tues, Nov 16th at the home of Susan James in Vancouver. Catherine Nicholls gave a presentation about her recent trip to England for the Festival of Quilts . The next meeting will be on Tues, January 25th – venue and focus TBA. Contact Jennifer at for info about meetings.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. Their first exhibition, Current Threads, was on at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more information.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place on Wed, Nov 5, at the home of Jean Curry in Pender Harbour. The next meeting will be at the home of Jill Sullivan in Sechelt on Wed, Jan 19th, at 11am and will include a potluck lunch. Contact Jennifer for information.
Members of the BC SDA invited other artists to participate in the exhibition The Game: Another Take on the Exquisite Corpse, which took take place September 23 – November 7, 2010 at Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery, Port Coquitlam.
The show will later tour to the following venues:
May 7 – June 12, 2011: FibreWorks Studio/Gallery, Pender Harbour
Sept 13-18, 2011: Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove, North Vancouver
KUDOS to some of our Members:
Michelle Sirois-Silver’s work was featured on the cover (and inside) for the Fall 2010 issue of ROOM LITERARY JOURNAL. See
Cher Cartwright’s work is being included in Sew New: Contemporary Artist Quilts, at the Osilas Gallery at Concordia College in Bronxville, New York, from Nov 4 to Dec 12, 2010. See the website You can visit Cher’s website:
Congratulations to Catherine Morley, a 2010 graduate of the Textile Arts program at Capilano University, for receiving a Student/New Professional Scholarship to attend the Textile Society of American Biennial Symposium in Lincoln Nebraska from October 6-9, 2010. Catherine’s bio and images of her work will soon be posted to the TSA website along with those of the other four recipients. See
The work of Pauline McLean Dutkowski is presented in the publication "100 Contemporary International Artists," Volume 2. The participating artists were selected by the Museum of the Americas in Miami, Florida. The book was published by the European Communities Artists Library of Barcelona, Spain in October 2010. The website for the European Communities Artists Library (Bibleoteca de Artistas de Las Communidades Europeas) is
The Victoria College of Art has established a textile arts program which will be launched by 2 courses to be taught by Lesley Turner:
'Mark Making with Thread,' November 8 to December 17, 2010
'Mark Making with Machine,' January 4 to March 22, 2011
Victoria College of Art website:
Lesley’s blog:
Yvonne Wakabayashi is involved in three upcoming exhibitions:
October 14, 2010 - February 13, 2011:” Textile Jewellry Exhibition”; Musee-des-Tissus/Artefact Gallery/Prince Gallery 34, 70, 53 rue de la Charite, Lyon, France
July/August 2011:” Love Lace International Lace Exhibition”; Powerhouse Museum Science & Design, Sydney, Australia; Over 700 entries from 33 countries ...all media included.
September 11, 2010 - October 31, 2010: “Fibreworks 2010”; Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge, Ontario
Titles: Gunma Silk Seaforms; Pina fibre Seaforms I
July 21 – Sept 1, 2011: “Shift;” new works by Michelle Sirois-Silver, Crafthouse Gallery (Craft Council of BC), Granville Island, Vancouver, BC,; Michelle’s website:
Also, the following events are happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail Website:
Nov. 07 to Jan. 09, 2011 – Exhibition – “Celebrate the Season” – gifts created by fibre artists to celebrate the season.
Jan. 10 to Mar 04, 2011 – FibreWorks Gallery will be closed. FibreWorks Studio will be open for fibres, yarns, etc., by appointment. .
2011 Events at FibreWorks in Pender Harbour - Call 604-883-2380 or email for more info:
April 02 to May 01, 2011 – Exhibition – “Landscapes of the Soul” – Hilary Rice from Newfoundland (
May 07 to June 12 – Exhibition – “The Game – another take on the exquisite corpse” – Surface Design Association of BC + friends (
June 18 – July 31 – “No Floors Required” with Michele Sirois Silver and Rachelle LaBlanc (;
August 06 to September 18 – Exhibition - Anna Hergert, from Saskatchewan, (
September 24 to October 30, 2011 – Exhibition – Pat Crucil, Sechelt, BC
November 05 to January 08, 2012 – seasonal exhibition
2011 Workshops at FibreWorks in Pender Harbour:
April 04 to 08, 2011 – Workshop – “Magic Rainbow Treasure Trove” with Hilary Rice, NL (
May 12 – 14, 2011 – Workshop – Paper! Colour! Hexagonal Weave Baskets with Jackie Abrams, from Vermont, USA (
May 16 – 18, 2011 – Workshop – (Re)Cover the Surface with Jackie Abrams, Vermont, USA (
July 27 – 31, 2011 – Workshop – Artistry of Rug Hooking People with Rachelle LaBlanc from Alberta (
August 19 & 20, 2011 – workshop – Subtracting Color: In the Bath with Elin Noble from New Bedford, Massachusetts (
August 22 & 23, 2011 – workshop – Subtracting Color: Print Processes with Elin Noble (
August 25 to 27, 2011 – workshop – Dyeing to Stitch with Elin Noble (
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Surface Design Events in BC for August, September, October 2010 and beyond
Website for this group:
The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place on Wed, Sept at the home of Anne Marie Andrishak in West Vancouver. It was very informal with lots of show-and-tell and discussions about the Exquisite Corpse project. The next one will be on November 16th – venue and focus TBA. Contact Jennifer for info about meetings.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. Their fall meeting was held on September 8th at Alison Kobylnyk’s house in Victoria. Their first exhibition, Current Threads, was on at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place on Wed, Sept 8th, at the home of Pat Crucil in Sechelt. Jennifer Love gave a presentation about the Reinvention Conference (SDA/SAQA) held in San Francisco in March 2010. The next meeting will be at the home of Jean Curry in Pender Harbour on Wed, Nov 10th, at 11am and will include a potluck lunch. Contact Jennifer for info.
Members of the BC SDA have invited other artists to participate in the exhibition The Game: Another Take on the Exquisite Corpse, which will take place September 23 – November 7, 2010 at Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery, Port Coquitlam. (see MAP -- Take bus 160 from Central Waterfront Station)
Opening reception: September 25th 2 - 4pm
This is the catalogue for the exhibition. Click on the images to make them larger.
May 7 – June 12, 2011: FibreWorks Studio/Gallery, Pender Harbour
Sept 13-18, 2011: Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove, North Vancouver
At all three venues, we plan to include a ‘Community Participation Project’ where members of the public will be given the opportunity to ‘Play the Game’ and create their own exquisite corpses.
The Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery will also be showing Slice, an exhibition of new work by one of our members, Wendy Browne, concurrently with The Game.
KUDOS to some of our Members:
Jane Kenyon is now being represented by the Elliott Louis Gallery in Vancouver. They've made a short video in her studio, with a link to the website.
Jane will have an exhibition at the Elliott Louis Gallery in October 2011.
Jessica de Haas was awarded the 2010 Niche award in the wearable fibre category for her piece "Biodiversity".
The Victoria College of Art has established a textile arts program which will be launched by 2 courses to be taught by Lesley Turner:
'Mark Making with Thread,' November 8 to December 17, 2010
'Mark Making with Machine,' January 4 to March 22, 2011
Victoria College of Art website:
Lesley’s blog:
Yvonne Wakabayashi is involved in three upcoming exhibitions:
• October 14, 2010 - February 13, 2011:” Textile Jewellry Exhibition”; Musee-des-Tissus/Artefact Gallery/Prince Gallery 34, 70, 53 rue de la Charite, Lyon, France
Image from the Textile Jewellry Exhibition: Titles: Gunma Silk Seaforms; Pina fibre Seaforms I
Artists who took part in the 2009 Hanji paper fashion show, held on Granville Island in Vancouver, BC, have been invited to send their paper fashions to Korea, for the Stream of Hanji Fashion exhibition, to be held in Jeon-ju, Korea, in October 2010. Participating artists include Brigitte Rice, Anne Marie Andrishak, Ros Aylmer, Dorothy Cross, Jo Anne Ryeburn, Rene Evans, Cathie Barr, Monica Brammer, and Dawn Russell.
Sept 16 – Oct 8, 2010: University of the Fraser Valley Faculty show (incl. Rene Evans, Eleanor Hannan, Gayle Ramsden) at Abbotsford Campus, University of the Fraser Valley, B136 Visual Arts Gallery. 604-504-7441 ext 4669.
Sept 9th - Oct 17: "Wrapped: An Exhibition of Kimono Inspired Garments" by Jessica de Haas and Jenefer Pleadwell; at CraftHouse Gallery on Granville Island, Vancouver.
Oct 2, 2010, 11am – 4pm: Rand Street Studios (Weavers: Kaija Rautiainen, Hanna Haapasalo, Gail Fromson) Open Studio at 1542 Rand Street, Vancouver, 604-910 5860.
Sat, Oct 2, 10am-4pm: ‘Paper & Stitch’ – One Day Workshop with textile artist and quiltmaker Catherine Nicholls. Leigh Square Community Arts Village, Port Coquitlam. or call 604.927.8400.
Sun, Oct 17, 2:30-5pm: ‘The Mad Hatters’ Tea Party’: A Fundraiser for the Craft Council of BC, at Hycroft House, 1489 McRae Ave., Vancouver.
Sat, Nov 6, 10am-4pm: ‘Hand Painted and Printed Paper’– Prepare for the holiday season with textile artist Jennifer Love. Experiment with many different ways to create pattern, colour and texture on paper. Leigh Square Community Arts Village, Port Coquitlam. or call 604.927.8400.
The following events are happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail Yvonne. See the Website
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 – “Surface Design: Alaska” : Exhibition of work by members of the Surface Design Association (SDA) in Alaska, at FibreWorks.
Sep. 21 – Nov. 23: Workshop with Penny Allport: “Weaving the Threads of Life;” 6:45 - 9:15 p.m. (alternating between FibreWorks in Pender Harbour and Paradise Found in Wilson Creek): Opening Ceremony – Sun. Sept 19 – 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at FibreWorks: Closing Ceremony – Sun. Nov. 28 – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Paradise Found
Oct. 16 – 17: Workshop with Julie Pongrac at FibreWorks: “Complex Fibre Made Simple Using Mushrooms.” Using mushrooms found locally, students will learn how to take one natural dye and explore what can be created from it by altering the dye bath, dying different fibres, blending fibres and colours and plying these in different ways.
Call for Entry – “Celebrate the Season” – Nov 07 to Jan 09 – Fibre Artists are invited to submit art for the retail section of FibreWorks Gallery , especially suitable for gift-giving. Items should be available beginning October 22nd and continuing through November. FibreWorks Gallery retains a 30% commission of sold items, and your retail prices should reflect same. All items must be numbered and priced, and an inventory listing delivered with the items. Please contact Yvonne Stowell by email or telephone 604,883-2380 after October 20th for further information and preparation of artist contracts for new artists.
The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place on Wed, Sept at the home of Anne Marie Andrishak in West Vancouver. It was very informal with lots of show-and-tell and discussions about the Exquisite Corpse project. The next one will be on November 16th – venue and focus TBA. Contact Jennifer for info about meetings.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. Their fall meeting was held on September 8th at Alison Kobylnyk’s house in Victoria. Their first exhibition, Current Threads, was on at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place on Wed, Sept 8th, at the home of Pat Crucil in Sechelt. Jennifer Love gave a presentation about the Reinvention Conference (SDA/SAQA) held in San Francisco in March 2010. The next meeting will be at the home of Jean Curry in Pender Harbour on Wed, Nov 10th, at 11am and will include a potluck lunch. Contact Jennifer for info.
Members of the BC SDA have invited other artists to participate in the exhibition The Game: Another Take on the Exquisite Corpse, which will take place September 23 – November 7, 2010 at Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery, Port Coquitlam. (see MAP -- Take bus 160 from Central Waterfront Station)
Opening reception: September 25th 2 - 4pm
This is the catalogue for the exhibition. Click on the images to make them larger.
The exhibition will later tour to the following venues:
May 7 – June 12, 2011: FibreWorks Studio/Gallery, Pender Harbour
Sept 13-18, 2011: Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove, North Vancouver
At all three venues, we plan to include a ‘Community Participation Project’ where members of the public will be given the opportunity to ‘Play the Game’ and create their own exquisite corpses.
The Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery will also be showing Slice, an exhibition of new work by one of our members, Wendy Browne, concurrently with The Game.
KUDOS to some of our Members:
Jane Kenyon is now being represented by the Elliott Louis Gallery in Vancouver. They've made a short video in her studio, with a link to the website.
Jane will have an exhibition at the Elliott Louis Gallery in October 2011.
Jessica de Haas was awarded the 2010 Niche award in the wearable fibre category for her piece "Biodiversity".
The Victoria College of Art has established a textile arts program which will be launched by 2 courses to be taught by Lesley Turner:
'Mark Making with Thread,' November 8 to December 17, 2010
'Mark Making with Machine,' January 4 to March 22, 2011
Victoria College of Art website:
Lesley’s blog:
Yvonne Wakabayashi is involved in three upcoming exhibitions:

• July/August 2011:” Love Lace International Lace Exhibition”; Powerhouse Museum Science & Design, Sydney, Australia; Over 700 entries from 33 countries ...all media included.
• September 11, 2010 - October 31, 2010: “Fibreworks 2010”; Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge, Ontario
Artists who took part in the 2009 Hanji paper fashion show, held on Granville Island in Vancouver, BC, have been invited to send their paper fashions to Korea, for the Stream of Hanji Fashion exhibition, to be held in Jeon-ju, Korea, in October 2010. Participating artists include Brigitte Rice, Anne Marie Andrishak, Ros Aylmer, Dorothy Cross, Jo Anne Ryeburn, Rene Evans, Cathie Barr, Monica Brammer, and Dawn Russell.
Sept 16 – Oct 8, 2010: University of the Fraser Valley Faculty show (incl. Rene Evans, Eleanor Hannan, Gayle Ramsden) at Abbotsford Campus, University of the Fraser Valley, B136 Visual Arts Gallery. 604-504-7441 ext 4669.
Sept 9th - Oct 17: "Wrapped: An Exhibition of Kimono Inspired Garments" by Jessica de Haas and Jenefer Pleadwell; at CraftHouse Gallery on Granville Island, Vancouver.
Oct 2, 2010, 11am – 4pm: Rand Street Studios (Weavers: Kaija Rautiainen, Hanna Haapasalo, Gail Fromson) Open Studio at 1542 Rand Street, Vancouver, 604-910 5860.
Sat, Oct 2, 10am-4pm: ‘Paper & Stitch’ – One Day Workshop with textile artist and quiltmaker Catherine Nicholls. Leigh Square Community Arts Village, Port Coquitlam. or call 604.927.8400.
Sun, Oct 17, 2:30-5pm: ‘The Mad Hatters’ Tea Party’: A Fundraiser for the Craft Council of BC, at Hycroft House, 1489 McRae Ave., Vancouver.
Sat, Nov 6, 10am-4pm: ‘Hand Painted and Printed Paper’– Prepare for the holiday season with textile artist Jennifer Love. Experiment with many different ways to create pattern, colour and texture on paper. Leigh Square Community Arts Village, Port Coquitlam. or call 604.927.8400.
The following events are happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail Yvonne. See the Website
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 – “Surface Design: Alaska” : Exhibition of work by members of the Surface Design Association (SDA) in Alaska, at FibreWorks.
Sep. 21 – Nov. 23: Workshop with Penny Allport: “Weaving the Threads of Life;” 6:45 - 9:15 p.m. (alternating between FibreWorks in Pender Harbour and Paradise Found in Wilson Creek): Opening Ceremony – Sun. Sept 19 – 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at FibreWorks: Closing Ceremony – Sun. Nov. 28 – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Paradise Found
Oct. 16 – 17: Workshop with Julie Pongrac at FibreWorks: “Complex Fibre Made Simple Using Mushrooms.” Using mushrooms found locally, students will learn how to take one natural dye and explore what can be created from it by altering the dye bath, dying different fibres, blending fibres and colours and plying these in different ways.
Call for Entry – “Celebrate the Season” – Nov 07 to Jan 09 – Fibre Artists are invited to submit art for the retail section of FibreWorks Gallery , especially suitable for gift-giving. Items should be available beginning October 22nd and continuing through November. FibreWorks Gallery retains a 30% commission of sold items, and your retail prices should reflect same. All items must be numbered and priced, and an inventory listing delivered with the items. Please contact Yvonne Stowell by email or telephone 604,883-2380 after October 20th for further information and preparation of artist contracts for new artists.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Surface Design Events in BC for August, September, October 2010 and beyond
Website for this group:
The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place at the home of Susan James in downtown Vancouver , June 28th, 2010. Entries for the Exquisite Corpse show were handed in and Jennifer Love gave a presentation about the Reinvention Conference (SDA/SAQA) held in San Francisco in March 2010. The next meeting will be on Wed, Sept 15th – venue TBA. Contact Jennifer for info about meetings.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands ) also meets on a regular basis. Their first exhibition, Current Threads, is showing at the Ladysmith Art Gallery , for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place at FibreWorks Gallery in Pender Harbour on June 23, 2010 – we viewed the new exhibition by thr3fold (Catherine Nicholls, Linda & Laura Kemshall), and enjoyed a presentation by batik artist Els van Baarle (from the Netherlands). The next meeting will be held on Wed, Sept 8th, at the home of Pat Crucil in Sechelt. Jennifer Love will give a presentation about the Reinvention Conference (SDA/SAQA) held in San Francisco in March 2010. Contact Jennifer for info.
Members of the BC SDA have invited other artists to participate in the exhibition The Game: Another Take on the Exquisite Corpse, which will take place September 23 – November 7, 2010 at Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery, Port Coquitlam . Opening reception: Sept 25, 2-4pm
The show will later tour to the following venues:
May 7 – June 12, 2011: FibreWorks Studio/Gallery, Pender Harbour
Sept 13-18, 2011: Seymour Art Gallery , Deep Cove, North Vancouver
At all three venues, we plan to include a ‘Community Participation Project” where members of the public will be given the opportunity to create their own Exquisite Corpses.
The Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery will also be showing Slice, an exhibition of new work by one of our members, Wendy Browne, concurrently with The Game.
Jean Curry has been invited to be a guest artist at the 4th annual Lynwood House Art Experience, September 19th from 1 pm till 5 pm, in Roberts Creek on the Sunshine Coast . It is a fund raiser that helps the Lynwood House Ministries continue their mission to help women, primarily from the Downtown Eastside, that are having difficulties in their lives.
Yvonne Wakabayashi is involved in three upcoming exhibitions:
· October 14, 2010 - February 13, 2011:” Textile Jewellry Exhibition”; Musee-des-Tissus/Artefact Gallery/Prince Gallery 34, 70, 53 rue de la Charite, Lyon, France
· July/August 2011:” Love Lace International Lace Exhibition”; Powerhouse Museum Science & Design, Sydney , Australia ; Over 700 entries from 33 countries ...all media included.
· September 11, 2010 - October 31, 2010: “Fibreworks 2010”; Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge , Ontario
Titles: Gunma Silk Seaforms; Pina fibre Seaforms I
Linda Wallace has had an article published about her buried/reclaimed/stitched tapestries - work she's been doing in a loose collaboration with Dorothy Clews, in Australia – in Fiberarts, Summer 2010, pp 46-49. "Earthy Aesthetics" by Mary Lane .
The Exposure section of both the Summer and Fall issues of the Surface Design Journal will feature selected work by the 14 Canadian SDA members who participated in Unity and Diversity, in Korea and again in Vancouver . Jane Kenyon's piece, Fracture, is featured in their newsblog, which has just recently gone live:
Artists who took part in the 2009 Hanji paper fashion show, held on Granville Island in Vancouver, BC, have been invited to send their paper fashions to Korea, for the Stream of Hanji Fashion exhibition, to be held in Jeon-ju, Korea, in October 2010. Participating artists include Brigitte Rice, Anne Marie Andrishak, Ros Aylmer, Dorothy Cross, Jo Anne Ryeburn, Rene Evans, Cathie Barr, Monica Brammer, and Dawn Russell.
The Jeon-ju Hanji Fashion Association, which is sponsoring the exhibition, was created 13 years ago to support and promote the work of artists working with traditional handmade Korean paper, Hanji, which is made from the inner bark of mulberry trees.
August 2-28, 2010: Current Threads. Work by SDA members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands . Ladysmith Waterfront Art Gallery , 610 Oyster Bay Dr. , 250-245-1252; Opening reception: August 7, 5-8pm.
September 24 - 26, 2010, 10am – 4pm: Common Threads, the Twisted Fibre Studio Tour, Vancouver , BC .
Common Threads, the Twisted Fibre Studio Tour is participating in Culture Days, September 24-26, 10am-4pm. This cultural event features artists and arts communities from across Canada . Invited guest artists will participate in this the studio tour - they will exhibit and discuss their works along side Julie Pongrac, Michelle Sirois-Silver, and Judy Villett. Visit the blog for more details as the event dates approach. IMAGE COMING
Fall, 2010: Maiwa has now posted the info on their annual fall workshop series – check their website:
The following events are also happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour . More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail Website:
Aug 07 – Sept 12, 2010 – “Synthesis” – Studio Art Quilters Association (SAQA), at FibreWorks Gallery. Exhibition of contemporary art quilts. Opening reception: Sat, Aug 07, 2-4pm. Website:
Aug 28, 2010: Workshop with Joanne Waters at FibreWorks: “Bull Kelp Baskets”
Sept. 4, 2010: Workshop with Ros Aylmer at FibreWorks: “Singing the Blues – Again!: Indigo and Woad Vat Dyeing”
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 – “Surface Design: Alaska ” Exhibition of work by members of the Surface Design Association in Alaska , at FibreWorks. Opening reception: Sat Sept 18, 2-4pm. IMAGE COMING
Sep. 21 – Nov. 23: Workshop with Penny Allport: “Weaving the Threads of Life;” 6:45 - 9:15 p.m. (alternating between FibreWorks in Pender Harbour and Paradise Found in Wilson Creek ): Opening Ceremony – Sun. Sept 19 – 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at FibreWorks: Closing Ceremony – Sun. Nov. 28 – 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Paradise Found
To weave the threads of our life’s journey with awareness is to “affect the quality” and the work of art that is our precious human life. Join Penny Allport to open the Eight Gates of Wisdom, gather the threads of inspiration, insight and integration each holds and weave them together into the fabric of your life. Tend the one thread you “never let go of”, and deepen the embodied wisdom of being fully human. Each week explore one of the gates through inquiry, reflection, simple practices of awareness in daily life and creative explorations.
Oct. 16 – 17: Workshop with Julie Pongrac at FibreWorks: “Complex Fibre Made Simple Using Mushrooms.” Using mushrooms found locally, students will learn how to take one natural dye and explore what can be created from it by altering the dye bath, dying different fibres, blending fibres and colours and plying these in different ways.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Surface Design Events in BC for June, July, August 2010 and beyond
Website for this group:
The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place at the home of Catherine Nicholls in West Vancouver on Monday May 3rd at 7pm. This was our annual pot luck supper and the theme of the meeting was design/sketch/inspiration/journal books that you use in your design process. Quite a few new guests; lots of great show-and-tell. The next meeting will be June 28th, 2010; venue tba. Entries for the Exquisite Corpse show can be handed in and Jennifer Love will give a presentation about the Reinvention Conference (SDA/SAQA) held in San Fransisco in March. Contact Jennifer for info about meetings and/or Call for Entry for the Exquisite Corpse show.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. They are planning an exhibition, “Current Threads,” at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place at the home of Connie Chapman early in May 4th. The next meeting will be at FibreWorks Gallery in Pender Harbour on June 23, 2010 – we will view the new exhibition by thr3fold (Catherine Nicholls, Linda & Laura Kemshall), and enjoy a presentation by batik artist Els van Baarle (from the Netherlands), who will be offering a workshop there in the following days. Contact Jennifer for info.
Plans are moving along for this show. To view our call for entry click here
Exhibition dates will be as follows:
September 25 – November 7, 2010: Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery, Coquitlam
May 7 – June 12, 2011: FibreWorks Studio/Gallery, Pender Harbour
Sept 13-18, 2011: Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove, North Vancouver
At all three venues, we plan to include a ‘Community Participation Project” where members of the public will be given the opportunity to create their own Exquisite Corpses.
The Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery will also be showing an exhibition of new work by one of our members, Wendy Browne, concurrently with The Game.
KUDOS to some of our Members:
Yvonne Wakabayashi recently won Best in Show at an international juried show called "Collective Threads" for her Pina Sea Forms II with a nice monetary prize and an offer to have a solo exhibition there next year. There were 41 entries in this competition. It was held at the University of Central Missouri, Department of Art and Design, Warrensburg, MI.
Catherine Nicholls’ beautiful studio has been featured in Cloth Paper Scissors- Studios magazine - the Summer 2010 issue. Catherine is part of thr3fold, with UK artists Linda and Laura Kemshall, and they will have several events in BC this summer – see following section.
Linda Wallace has had an article published about her buried/reclaimed/stitched tapestries - work she's been doing in a loose collaboration with Dorothy Clews, in Australia – in Fiberarts, Summer 2010, pp 46-49: "Earthy Aesthetics" by Mary Lane.
The "Exposure" section of both the Summer and Fall issues of the "Surface Design Journal" will feature selected work by the 14 Canadian SDA members who participated in Unity and Diversity, in Korea and again in Vancouver. Jane Kenyon's piece "Fracture" is featured on their blog, which has just recently gone live:
Upcoming Events:
May 8-June 13, 2010: “Textiles: Waxworks” by Els van Baarle from the Netherlands. Opening reception: Sat, May 08, 2-4pm. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail FibreWorks. See the Fibre Works website
May 15, 2010: “Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail . FibreWorks. See the Fibre Works website.
June 12-25, 2010: Victoria FibreFest. See their website
June 21 - Aug 01, 2010 – “Thr3fold” – second North American exhibit, at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Opening Reception – “Meet the Artists” – Linda & Laura Kemshell & Catherine Nicholls: Monday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. This will also be the release of Vol. #5 of Thr3fold Journals – bring all your Journals for artist autographs. See the Website
June 24th, 2010, 7:30pm onwards: thr3fold @ Maiwa, Granville Island, Vancouver. This evening event at Maiwa in the Net Loft will be an opportunity to chat with the thr3fold artists, Catherine Nicholls, Linda and Laura Kemshall, pick up a copy of their new thr3fold journal (#5) and view a selection of their quilts never before exhibited in Canada. To support the Maiwa foundation they will be auctioning a number of specially made small items.
June 18, 19 & 20, 2010: Workshop organized by Art You Wear (Ulrieke Benner) on Saltspring Island: “Contemporary Surface Design in Wax & Colour,” featuring Els van Baarle, Netherlands. For details and registration information: ph. 250-537-1723; fax 250-537-1724; Ulrieke's website:; Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 1N4
June 19-20 & 26-27, 2010, 10am – 4pm: Common Threads, the Twisted Fibre Studio Tour: Julie Pongrac, Michelle Sirois-Silver, and Judy Villett open their fibre art studios and invite visitors to see completed new works, works in progress, and engaging demonstrations by the artists, plus rare opportunities to purchase gallery-quality fine craft on this unique self-guided tour through the vibrant Commercial Drive and Strathcona neighbourhoods. Michelle's work can be seen at the Alberta Craft Council's exhibition " The Love of Craft", July 10 - September 25, 2010 inEdmonton , Alberta . For more details visit
August 2-28, 2010: Current Threads. Work by SDA members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Ladysmith Waterfront Art Gallery, 610 Oyster Bay Dr., 250-245-1252; Opening reception: August 7, 5-8pm.
August 19-21, 2010: Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival.
Fall, 2010: Maiwa has now posted the info on their annual fall workshop series – check their website:
The following events are also happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail Fibre Works. See the FibreWorks website
June 24-26, 2010: “Mixed Media: Wax on Paper & Fabric.” Workshop with Els van Baarle from the Netherlands.
July 14-16, 2010: “Imagination.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – how to create your own designs from chosen images or sources of info.
Aug 05-06, 2010: “Drawn to Pen & Ink.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – Easy steps to turn your own images into drawings on fabric.
Aug 07 – Sept 12, 2010 – “Synthesis” – Studio Art Quilters Association (SAQA). At FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Contemporary art quilts. Opening reception: Sat, Aug 07, 2-4pm SAQA website.
Aug 28, 2010: “Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters.
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 – “Surface Design: Alaska” Work by members of the Surface Design Association in Alaska. Opening reception: Sat Sept 18, 2-4pm.
The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place at the home of Catherine Nicholls in West Vancouver on Monday May 3rd at 7pm. This was our annual pot luck supper and the theme of the meeting was design/sketch/inspiration/journal books that you use in your design process. Quite a few new guests; lots of great show-and-tell. The next meeting will be June 28th, 2010; venue tba. Entries for the Exquisite Corpse show can be handed in and Jennifer Love will give a presentation about the Reinvention Conference (SDA/SAQA) held in San Fransisco in March. Contact Jennifer for info about meetings and/or Call for Entry for the Exquisite Corpse show.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. They are planning an exhibition, “Current Threads,” at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place at the home of Connie Chapman early in May 4th. The next meeting will be at FibreWorks Gallery in Pender Harbour on June 23, 2010 – we will view the new exhibition by thr3fold (Catherine Nicholls, Linda & Laura Kemshall), and enjoy a presentation by batik artist Els van Baarle (from the Netherlands), who will be offering a workshop there in the following days. Contact Jennifer for info.
Plans are moving along for this show. To view our call for entry click here
Exhibition dates will be as follows:
September 25 – November 7, 2010: Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery, Coquitlam
May 7 – June 12, 2011: FibreWorks Studio/Gallery, Pender Harbour
Sept 13-18, 2011: Seymour Art Gallery, Deep Cove, North Vancouver
At all three venues, we plan to include a ‘Community Participation Project” where members of the public will be given the opportunity to create their own Exquisite Corpses.
The Leigh Square Arts Village Gallery will also be showing an exhibition of new work by one of our members, Wendy Browne, concurrently with The Game.
KUDOS to some of our Members:

Catherine Nicholls’ beautiful studio has been featured in Cloth Paper Scissors- Studios magazine - the Summer 2010 issue. Catherine is part of thr3fold, with UK artists Linda and Laura Kemshall, and they will have several events in BC this summer – see following section.
Linda Wallace has had an article published about her buried/reclaimed/stitched tapestries - work she's been doing in a loose collaboration with Dorothy Clews, in Australia – in Fiberarts, Summer 2010, pp 46-49: "Earthy Aesthetics" by Mary Lane.
The "Exposure" section of both the Summer and Fall issues of the "Surface Design Journal" will feature selected work by the 14 Canadian SDA members who participated in Unity and Diversity, in Korea and again in Vancouver. Jane Kenyon's piece "Fracture" is featured on their blog, which has just recently gone live:
Upcoming Events:
May 8-June 13, 2010: “Textiles: Waxworks” by Els van Baarle from the Netherlands. Opening reception: Sat, May 08, 2-4pm. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail FibreWorks. See the Fibre Works website
May 15, 2010: “Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail . FibreWorks. See the Fibre Works website.
June 12-25, 2010: Victoria FibreFest. See their website
June 21 - Aug 01, 2010 – “Thr3fold” – second North American exhibit, at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Opening Reception – “Meet the Artists” – Linda & Laura Kemshell & Catherine Nicholls: Monday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. This will also be the release of Vol. #5 of Thr3fold Journals – bring all your Journals for artist autographs. See the Website
June 24th, 2010, 7:30pm onwards: thr3fold @ Maiwa, Granville Island, Vancouver. This evening event at Maiwa in the Net Loft will be an opportunity to chat with the thr3fold artists, Catherine Nicholls, Linda and Laura Kemshall, pick up a copy of their new thr3fold journal (#5) and view a selection of their quilts never before exhibited in Canada. To support the Maiwa foundation they will be auctioning a number of specially made small items.
June 18, 19 & 20, 2010: Workshop organized by Art You Wear (Ulrieke Benner) on Saltspring Island: “Contemporary Surface Design in Wax & Colour,” featuring Els van Baarle, Netherlands. For details and registration information: ph. 250-537-1723; fax 250-537-1724; Ulrieke's website:; Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 1N4
June 19-20 & 26-27, 2010, 10am – 4pm: Common Threads, the Twisted Fibre Studio Tour: Julie Pongrac, Michelle Sirois-Silver, and Judy Villett open their fibre art studios and invite visitors to see completed new works, works in progress, and engaging demonstrations by the artists, plus rare opportunities to purchase gallery-quality fine craft on this unique self-guided tour through the vibrant Commercial Drive and Strathcona neighbourhoods. Michelle's work can be seen at the Alberta Craft Council's exhibition " The Love of Craft", July 10 - September 25, 2010 in
August 2-28, 2010: Current Threads. Work by SDA members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Ladysmith Waterfront Art Gallery, 610 Oyster Bay Dr., 250-245-1252; Opening reception: August 7, 5-8pm.
August 19-21, 2010: Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival.
Fall, 2010: Maiwa has now posted the info on their annual fall workshop series – check their website:
The following events are also happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour. More info: 604-883-2380 or e-mail Fibre Works. See the FibreWorks website
June 24-26, 2010: “Mixed Media: Wax on Paper & Fabric.” Workshop with Els van Baarle from the Netherlands.
July 14-16, 2010: “Imagination.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – how to create your own designs from chosen images or sources of info.
Aug 05-06, 2010: “Drawn to Pen & Ink.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – Easy steps to turn your own images into drawings on fabric.
Aug 07 – Sept 12, 2010 – “Synthesis” – Studio Art Quilters Association (SAQA). At FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Contemporary art quilts. Opening reception: Sat, Aug 07, 2-4pm SAQA website.
Aug 28, 2010: “Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters.
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 – “Surface Design: Alaska” Work by members of the Surface Design Association in Alaska. Opening reception: Sat Sept 18, 2-4pm.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Surface Design Events in BC for May, June, July 2010 and beyond
Website for this group:
The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place on February 8th, 2010, hosted at the home of Michelle Sirois-Silver in Vancouver. Aside from a discussion of our Exquisite Corpse project and exhibition (which is planned for fall of 2010), we enjoyed a low-key evening of show-and-tell and discussion of upcoming events. Next meeting will be at the home of Catherine Nicholls in West Vancouver on Monday May 3rd at 7pm. As this will be our pre-summer-break meeting, it was also be our annual pot luck supper. The theme of the meeting will be design/sketch/inspiration/journal books that you use in your design process. Contact Jennifer Love for info about meetings and/or Call for Entry for the Exquisite Corpse show.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. They are planning an exhibition, “Current Threads,” at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place Feb 3rd at Jennifer Love’s new studio, Foxglove Studio Two, in Pender Harbour. The next meeting will be held at the home of Connie Chapman early in May 4th. Her info: 5469 Julman Rd., West Sechelt, 604-885-7332. Contact Jennifer Love for info.
KUDOS to some of our Members:
Ulrieke Benner will be participating in the "Inside Out - Fiber Art for the Human Form" exhibition at the Textile Center Joan Mondale Gallery from June 4th through July 10th in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Anni Hunt has had a piece accepted in the show "The Climate is Changing" in Prato Italy in May. by the International Felters Association. Opening: Museo del Tessuto (Textile Museum), Prato, Italy on May 7, 2010. The opening will coincide with the IFA AGM and conference, details of which can be found on the IFA website
Katherine Soucie, will be previewing a selection from her latest Sans Soucie collection entitled, Vanitas II, in the upcoming Toronto Alternative Arts and Fashion Week. Website: Katherine’s website:
Terri Bibby, Katherine Soucie, Ulrieke Benner, Julia Manitius, Ros Aylmer, Yvonne Wakabayashi, Kristin Rohr and Anni Hunt have all been featured in the recent international Quayside publication, 1000 Artisan Textiles due to be released in May 2010.
Linda Wallace
July 1 – August 22, 2010: Linda Wallace is one of six artists (Tapestry 3-2-1) whose work will be featured in “Dialogues: Tapestry and Human/Nature: An exploration by artists from New Mexico, Canada and Australia,” at the South Broadway Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM. “Threadbare,” is one of her ten pieces that will be exhibited there. This show is being held in conjunction with HGA's Convergence 2010.
Linda has had two of her combined tapestry and embroidery pieces accepted into the American Tapestry Biennial 8, at the Elder Gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska, Sept 20 - Nov 15, 2010. This event will be held during meetings of the Textile Society of America – for more information about the TSA meetings see: Textile Society of America. She is also exhibiting in ATA's small format exhibition in a gallery on Canyon Road, Santa Fe. And her work will be featured (with that of an Australian tapestry artist who is part of Tapestry 3-2-1) in an upcoming issue of Fiberarts – more on that later. To see more images of Linda’s work see this website: American Tapestry Alliance
Alison Kobylnyk has won 2nd prize for her artwork "Green Peace" in the CACGV LOOK 2010 show in Victoria. (Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria). Alison's website
Eileen Wheeler has an article being published in the March/April issue of PieceWork, entitled “Knitting for Survival: Anna Samens and Her Knitting Machine”. Based on research for her 2005 MA thesis at UBC, which explored textile stories as a means to enhance women’s history, it outlines how textile skills and business acumen were empowering to a WW II Latvian/Canadian refugee.
Gloria Daly's quilt “Polvs Arcticvs (North Pole)” will be shown along with 28 other quilts, in the exhibit O, CANADA, initially at the International Quilt Festival in Chicago and then at various IQF and Quilt Market shows. This piece was originally designed for the Opera Frobisher performed in Calgary AB.
Catherine Nicholls has an article coming out in the March /April issue of Cloth Paper Scissors. And her quilt "Sedna" has been included in 500 Art Quilts a recent publication by Lark Books. This book, juried by Karey Bresenhan, showcases the work of 363 fabulous contemporary quilters. ISBN: 978-1-60059-058-0. Website: Lark Books.
Lesley Richmond has recently completed five pieces for a new ship which is being built for Celebrity Cruise Lines. The piece is 42"x 42" and called 'Leaf Cloth Dance'.
April 03 – May 02:
Exhibition: “Ursula’s Collection” – work by Ursula Bentz at Fibre Works gallery. Collection of wearables and accessories using silk fusion, recycled natural and man-made materials. Ursula’s website. More info email or call Fibre Works Gallery 604-883-2380
Sat, May 1st & Sun, May 2nd, 2010:
Gordon Head Studio Tour, Victoria, BC; 11am to 4pm
Two SDA fibre artists participating are : Judi MacLeod & Alison Kobylnyk
Brochures with maps are available at Recreation Centers and local businesses. For maps or more info see website , or call Judi at 472-2429. Alison at 721-3118, Ester at 658-4523
May 8-June 13, 2010:
“Textiles: Waxworks” by Els van Baarle from the Netherlands. Opening reception: Sat, May 08, 2-4pm. More info email or call Fibre Works Gallery 604-883-2380
May 15, 2010:
“Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters. More info email or call Fibre Works Gallery 604-883-2380
May 17 to 23, 2010:
“Interlacement - a Fibre Symposium.” The Greater Vancouver Weavers & Spinners Guild is turning 75 in 2010. Interlacement will feature Workshops and Lectures with BC and International Fibre Artists at Capilano University, North Vancouver. Full details: GVWSG Website
June 2010:
The Silk Weaving Studio and Maiwa Handprints are excited to present:
Angelina DeAntonis of Ocelot, San Francisco for 3 special events in June 2010: an exhibition, fashion show and workshop. These will be "not-to-be-missed" events for anyone who loves surface design and/or fashion. See for details.
June 12-25, 2010:
Victoria FibreFest. See their website
June 18, 19 & 20, 2010:
Workshop organized by Art You Wear (Ulrieke Benner) on Saltspring Island: “Contemporary Surface Design in Wax & Colour,” featuring Els van Baarle, Netherlands. Fees: $495 (plus GST) and minimal materials fee. For details and registration information: ph. 250-537-1723; fax 250-537-1724; Ulrieke's website
Aug 19-21:
Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival. See the Website
The following events are all happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour.
For more info email or call Fibre Works Gallery 604-883-2380
June 21 - Aug 01, 2010
– “Thr3fold” – second North American exhibit, at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Opening Reception – “Meet the Artists” – Linda & Laura Kemshell & Catherine Nicholls: Monday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. This will also be the release of Vol. #5 of Thr3fold Journals – bring all your Journals for artist autographs. thr3fold website
June 24-26, 2010:
“Mixed Media: Wax on Paper & Fabric.” Workshop with Els van Baarle from the Netherlands.
July 14-16, 2010:
“Imagination.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – how to create your own designs from chosen images or sources of info.
Aug 05-06, 2010:
“Drawn to Pen & Ink.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – Easy steps to turn your own images into drawings on fabric.
Aug 07 – Sept 12, 2010:
“Synthesis” – Studio Art Quilters Association (SAQA). At FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Contemporary art quilts. Opening reception: Sat, Aug 07, 2-4pm SAQA website.
Aug 28, 2010:
“Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters.
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 :
“Surface Design: Alaska” Work by members of the Surface Design Association in Alaska.
Opening reception: Sat Sept 18, 2-4pm.
Fall, 2010: Maiwa Handprints will hold a number of workshops in their annual fall workshop series, including one just announced with Jean Cacicedo – for more info check their website:
The last Vancouver Surface Design meeting took place on February 8th, 2010, hosted at the home of Michelle Sirois-Silver in Vancouver. Aside from a discussion of our Exquisite Corpse project and exhibition (which is planned for fall of 2010), we enjoyed a low-key evening of show-and-tell and discussion of upcoming events. Next meeting will be at the home of Catherine Nicholls in West Vancouver on Monday May 3rd at 7pm. As this will be our pre-summer-break meeting, it was also be our annual pot luck supper. The theme of the meeting will be design/sketch/inspiration/journal books that you use in your design process. Contact Jennifer Love for info about meetings and/or Call for Entry for the Exquisite Corpse show.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. They are planning an exhibition, “Current Threads,” at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info.
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place Feb 3rd at Jennifer Love’s new studio, Foxglove Studio Two, in Pender Harbour. The next meeting will be held at the home of Connie Chapman early in May 4th. Her info: 5469 Julman Rd., West Sechelt, 604-885-7332. Contact Jennifer Love for info.
KUDOS to some of our Members:
Ulrieke Benner will be participating in the "Inside Out - Fiber Art for the Human Form" exhibition at the Textile Center Joan Mondale Gallery from June 4th through July 10th in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Anni Hunt has had a piece accepted in the show "The Climate is Changing" in Prato Italy in May. by the International Felters Association. Opening: Museo del Tessuto (Textile Museum), Prato, Italy on May 7, 2010. The opening will coincide with the IFA AGM and conference, details of which can be found on the IFA website
Katherine Soucie, will be previewing a selection from her latest Sans Soucie collection entitled, Vanitas II, in the upcoming Toronto Alternative Arts and Fashion Week. Website: Katherine’s website:

Cher Cartwright’s quilt, “On the Other Hand,” will be exhibited in the upcoming Art Quilt Elements 2010 (previously known as ArtQuilts at the Sedgwick) which is now a biennial juried exhibition celebrating its ninth show. The exhibition will be held at the Wyane Art Center, outside of Philadelphia, PA, from April 17 to May 19, 2010. The jurors, Jason Pollen, Robin Schwalb and Deborah C. Warner, chose 50 quilts from the 606 entered. For more info about AQE:
Linda Wallace
July 1 – August 22, 2010: Linda Wallace is one of six artists (Tapestry 3-2-1) whose work will be featured in “Dialogues: Tapestry and Human/Nature: An exploration by artists from New Mexico, Canada and Australia,” at the South Broadway Cultural Center in Albuquerque, NM. “Threadbare,” is one of her ten pieces that will be exhibited there. This show is being held in conjunction with HGA's Convergence 2010.
Linda has had two of her combined tapestry and embroidery pieces accepted into the American Tapestry Biennial 8, at the Elder Gallery in Lincoln, Nebraska, Sept 20 - Nov 15, 2010. This event will be held during meetings of the Textile Society of America – for more information about the TSA meetings see: Textile Society of America. She is also exhibiting in ATA's small format exhibition in a gallery on Canyon Road, Santa Fe. And her work will be featured (with that of an Australian tapestry artist who is part of Tapestry 3-2-1) in an upcoming issue of Fiberarts – more on that later. To see more images of Linda’s work see this website: American Tapestry Alliance
Alison Kobylnyk has won 2nd prize for her artwork "Green Peace" in the CACGV LOOK 2010 show in Victoria. (Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria). Alison's website
Eileen Wheeler has an article being published in the March/April issue of PieceWork, entitled “Knitting for Survival: Anna Samens and Her Knitting Machine”. Based on research for her 2005 MA thesis at UBC, which explored textile stories as a means to enhance women’s history, it outlines how textile skills and business acumen were empowering to a WW II Latvian/Canadian refugee.
Gloria Daly's quilt “Polvs Arcticvs (North Pole)” will be shown along with 28 other quilts, in the exhibit O, CANADA, initially at the International Quilt Festival in Chicago and then at various IQF and Quilt Market shows. This piece was originally designed for the Opera Frobisher performed in Calgary AB.
Catherine Nicholls has an article coming out in the March /April issue of Cloth Paper Scissors. And her quilt "Sedna" has been included in 500 Art Quilts a recent publication by Lark Books. This book, juried by Karey Bresenhan, showcases the work of 363 fabulous contemporary quilters. ISBN: 978-1-60059-058-0. Website: Lark Books.
Lesley Richmond has recently completed five pieces for a new ship which is being built for Celebrity Cruise Lines. The piece is 42"x 42" and called 'Leaf Cloth Dance'.
April 03 – May 02:
Exhibition: “Ursula’s Collection” – work by Ursula Bentz at Fibre Works gallery. Collection of wearables and accessories using silk fusion, recycled natural and man-made materials. Ursula’s website. More info email or call Fibre Works Gallery 604-883-2380
Sat, May 1st & Sun, May 2nd, 2010:
Gordon Head Studio Tour, Victoria, BC; 11am to 4pm
Two SDA fibre artists participating are : Judi MacLeod & Alison Kobylnyk
Brochures with maps are available at Recreation Centers and local businesses. For maps or more info see website , or call Judi at 472-2429. Alison at 721-3118, Ester at 658-4523
May 8-June 13, 2010:
“Textiles: Waxworks” by Els van Baarle from the Netherlands. Opening reception: Sat, May 08, 2-4pm. More info email or call Fibre Works Gallery 604-883-2380
May 15, 2010:
“Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters. More info email or call Fibre Works Gallery 604-883-2380
May 17 to 23, 2010:
“Interlacement - a Fibre Symposium.” The Greater Vancouver Weavers & Spinners Guild is turning 75 in 2010. Interlacement will feature Workshops and Lectures with BC and International Fibre Artists at Capilano University, North Vancouver. Full details: GVWSG Website
June 2010:
The Silk Weaving Studio and Maiwa Handprints are excited to present:
Angelina DeAntonis of Ocelot, San Francisco for 3 special events in June 2010: an exhibition, fashion show and workshop. These will be "not-to-be-missed" events for anyone who loves surface design and/or fashion. See for details.
June 12-25, 2010:
Victoria FibreFest. See their website
June 18, 19 & 20, 2010:
Workshop organized by Art You Wear (Ulrieke Benner) on Saltspring Island: “Contemporary Surface Design in Wax & Colour,” featuring Els van Baarle, Netherlands. Fees: $495 (plus GST) and minimal materials fee. For details and registration information: ph. 250-537-1723; fax 250-537-1724; Ulrieke's website
Aug 19-21:
Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival. See the Website
The following events are all happening at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio/Workshop in Pender Harbour.
For more info email or call Fibre Works Gallery 604-883-2380
June 21 - Aug 01, 2010
– “Thr3fold” – second North American exhibit, at FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Opening Reception – “Meet the Artists” – Linda & Laura Kemshell & Catherine Nicholls: Monday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. This will also be the release of Vol. #5 of Thr3fold Journals – bring all your Journals for artist autographs. thr3fold website
June 24-26, 2010:
“Mixed Media: Wax on Paper & Fabric.” Workshop with Els van Baarle from the Netherlands.
July 14-16, 2010:
“Imagination.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – how to create your own designs from chosen images or sources of info.
Aug 05-06, 2010:
“Drawn to Pen & Ink.” Workshop with Catherine Nicholls – Easy steps to turn your own images into drawings on fabric.
Aug 07 – Sept 12, 2010:
“Synthesis” – Studio Art Quilters Association (SAQA). At FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour. Contemporary art quilts. Opening reception: Sat, Aug 07, 2-4pm SAQA website.
Aug 28, 2010:
“Bull Kelp Baskets”: Workshop with Joanne Waters.
Sept 18-Nov 07, 2010 :
“Surface Design: Alaska” Work by members of the Surface Design Association in Alaska.
Opening reception: Sat Sept 18, 2-4pm.
Fall, 2010: Maiwa Handprints will hold a number of workshops in their annual fall workshop series, including one just announced with Jean Cacicedo – for more info check their website:
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