Note: this blog will eventually replace the news tab on the website.
The last meeting of the Vancouver Surface Design took place on Tuesday, June 30th, 2009, hosted at the home of Catherine Nicholls in West Vancouver. The meeting was purely social - a potluck supper – with the usual sharing of new projects and info. Next meeting will be November 18 at the home of Susan James in downtown Vancouver. Jessica de Haas will give a presentation on the SDA conference held in Kansas City in June 2009. Contact Jennifer Love for info.
Vancouver Island Surface Design (including members from Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands) also meets on a regular basis. Their last meeting was on Oct. 7th at the home of Anne Marie in Ladysmith. They are planning an exhibition, Current Threads, at the Ladysmith Art Gallery, for the month of August, 2010. Please contact Susan Purney-Mark for more info:
The last Sunshine Coast Surface Design meeting took place at the home of Pat Crucil in Sechelt on Oct 21st. The next meeting will be held at FibreWorks Gallery in Pender Harbour on Dec 1st, 2009. Contact Jennifer Love for info.
The following information is taken from the most recent newsletter of the Vancouver Guild of Fabric Art:
We were saddened to hear that Barry Goodman, President, Greater Vancouver Weavers' and Spinners' Guild from 2003 to 2007, passed away on Sat, July 25, 2009 after a courageous battle with cancer. Barry was a professional artist, specializing in embroidered portraits and figure studies in black and white.
From 1997 to 2008, Barry's work appeared in exhibitions across Europe and North America, including many local exhibitions. You can see a gallery of Barry's work and read about the philosophy behind his work as artist and teacher at
Congratulations to the members (past and present) of the Fibre Art Studio on Granville Island, 610 Johnston Street, Vancouver, which celebrated its 30th anniversary recently.
Congratulations to Jane Kenyon on winning the Grand Prize of the Pfaff International Art Embroidery Challenge. The PFAFF® Art Embroidery Challenge is a truly global competition judged by an international jury. The works are created predominantly on a home sewing machine using either freehand embroidery or/and embroidery software. The works of the winners as well as the works of selected artists from different countries are shown exclusive, apart from the other shows, at the Knitting & Stitching show at Alexandra Palace, London.

Oct 10- Nov 28, 2009: "Elin Noble and Other Strong Women" a juried show of Elin Noble’s fibre art and pieces made from her fabrics. At Penn Cove Pottery, Coupeville, WA. “Other Strong Women” is a group of Canadian and American quilters that gets together in September in Port Townsend for a week. Barbara Shelly is the juror. Elin’s website:
Sept 24 – Jan. 3: “A Common Thread: Textiles from Stó: lō, South Asian & Mennonite Communities”; presented by The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford, working in collaboration with the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) Faculty of Arts, The UFV Centre for Indo-Canadian Studies, the Mennonite Central Committee of British Columbia (MCCBC), Stó: lō educators and artisans and the Maiwa Foundation. A Common Thread explores cultural similarities and differences and provides an opportunity to examine a tapestry of traditions from weaving to quilting to the story-telling that is contained in each piece of art work. In conjunction with the visual arts display, artefacts including local quilt making and weaving equipment highlight the history of textiles.
Until Jan 2 “ Lines of Engagement.” Felt creations by Alice Philips, Encaustic paintings by Laurie Ann Melnychuk, and experimental collages and acrylic paintings by Eva Hönig. at Numen Gallery, 120-1058 Mainland St., Yaletown. Info 604.630.6927 or or go to
Jan 30, 2010, 10am-3pm: An Introduction to Hand Hooked Rugs with Michelle Sirois-Silver. Silk Purse Arts Centre. Registration is taking place now.
Jan. 11 - April 14, 2010: The Craft Council of British Columbia presents "By Hand: BC and Yukon," A juried exhibition of fine craft by BC and Yukon artisans. Museum of Vancouver, 1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver;
Jan. 19-31, 2010: "Hand Hooked Rugs: West Coast Sense and Sensibility," The Silk Purse Arts Centre; a group exhibition of hand hooked rugs by artisans living in the Vancouver Lower Mainland.
Opening reception: Saturday, January 23 2-4 pm; Demonstration: Saturday, January 23 12-4pm; 1570 Argyle, West Vancouver;
FibreWorks Gallery/Studio in Pender Harbour:
Workshops at FibreWorks Gallery: Register for Workshops by calling 604-883-2380 or e-mail
Sat. Dec. 5th, 10am-4pm: Workshop: Handpainted Paper: For Collage, Gift Wrap or Ornaments, Jennifer Love. $60 + GST plus supply fee TBA (around $20).
Current and Upcoming FibreWorks Exhibitions:
Nov 04 – Nov 29: “Surfacing” Contemporary art quilts by Wendy Browne – BC fibre artist
Nov 04 – Jan 10: “Celebrate the season” – made by hand gifts for the whole family
Jan 13 – Feb 28, 2010– Shannon Wardropper, BC fibre artist. Artist’s website:
Opening Reception – “Meet the Artist” : Saturday, February 16, 2010, 2-4 p.m.
June 21 - Aug 01, 2010 – “Thr3fold” – second North American exhibit
Opening Reception – “Meet the Artists” – Linda & Laura Kemshell & Catherine Nicholls: Monday, June 21, 2-4 p.m. This will also be the release of Vol. #5 of Thr3fold Journals – bring all your Journals for artist autographs. Website:
Aug 04 – Oct 31, 2010 – “Synthesis” – Studio Art Quilters Association (SAQA). Contemporary art quilts. Website:
March/April, 2011 – Hilary Rice – “Landscapes of the Soul” BC fibre artist
For more info: call 604-883-2380 or e-mail to register.
March 19 - 24, 2010: Conference: REINVENTION, Co-sponsored by Surface Design Association (SDA), Studio Art Quilts Associates (SAQA), and San Francisco State University Art Department – Textiles. Attendees must be members of either SDA or SAQA
Location: Seven Hills Conference Center, San Francisco State University Campus off State Drive
March 19 - 20, Friday - Saturday - Conference
March 21, Sunday - Studios bus tour (studios open to public) and de Young museum tour
March 22-24, Monday - Wednesday - 3-day workshops
Conference brochure and Registration form are available at:
March 29 – April 9, 2010: “Fibre in the Forest” - VGFA 40th Anniversary Retreat.
THE VANCOUVER GUILD OF FIBRE ARTS will be celebrating their 40th anniversary in 2010 with a fibre retreat in the beautiful forests of Loon Lake Camp, B.C. The two week retreat will offer workshops in surface design, draping for sewing, lace knitting, collage, quilting, mark making on cloth, book making, doll making – to name a few – as well as areas for self directed work. Registration, class lists and calendar are posted on their web site – Check out Loon Lake Questions: Anne Love 604 922 3033.
The cut-off date for making a decision about whether the workshops will go ahead is JANUARY 15... SO PLEASE REGISTER AS SOON AS YOU CAN.
May 17 to 23, 2010:” Interlacement - a Fibre Symposium.” The Greater Vancouver Weavers & Spinners Guild is turning 75 in 2010. Interlacement will feature Workshops and Lectures with BC and International Fibre Artists at Capilano University, North Vancouver. Full details are on the Guild's website: